. . . of Islam
What are you willing to do if it appears that Islam will conquer our nation?
Will you support with your earnings the idolent Moslems lolling about the streets, raping your wives, daughters, and girlfriends at will? Will you willingly pay the tax required of the non-believer? Or will you just as soon convert to Islam, to save yourself humiliation and the tax?
Will you "brave the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" or do the as yet unthinkable? It has been done before, in history. You would not be the first nor the last to think, to ponder, "Would I rather live as a slave or feed the Tree of Liberty with the blood of the enemy?
Right now, we still have a Bill of Rights, and its second amendment, to keep the government from forcing its will upon the people.
Remember though, once the Constitution has been subverted and replaced by shariah as the highest law of the land its protections and guarantees are gone, whatever you do to reclaim your country will no longer be in danger of being branded as sedition or treason.
Do not accept the Moslem as your superior. Do not accept Islamic demands with bowed heads. There is that foreign element amongst us (Islam and its adherents). Do not take it into your bosom.
There might be treason at the top, but do not throw up your hands and say that there is nothing that can be done.
As long as there are those with the will to do what must be done, we will not bow to the invisible idol worshipped by our enemy.
Edited and amended from a Post by: unicorns62000 January 5, 2008 1:56 AM
Be careful for whom you vote--those who promise a drastic change may take us further into that dark night that is poised to swallow us.
CHANGE - 'the sought-after solution to all our problems," what is it? Placating the Moslems, diplomatic overtures to try and mollify those who want only to destroy us. You can take the boy out of the madrassa, but can you ever take the madrassa competely out of the boy?
*Anything less than ALL THE WAY is asking for disaster (defeat).
Do not expect anything but defeatism from . . .
The Useless Bastards of the 60s
Pacifists, "lovers of all cultures, religions, and ideologies," cowards at heart who want more than anything "peace at any price."
As to our sworn enemies . . .
Kill them before they kill us
We, who have become so disgustingly (what we believe to be) "civilized" that we appear to have forgotten the basics of waging war to win--by letting our all the stops.
Δειμος (Ancient Greek)
Means "terror" in Greek. This was one of the sons of the Greek god Ares.
Φοβος (Ancient Greek)
Pronounced: FO-bos (English)
Means "fear" in Greek. This was one of the sons of Ares in Greek mythology.
Both of these techniques of warfare--terror and fear--were employed by our side during World War II--using terror to bring fear into the hearts of the enemies' populations, e.g. Dresden and its "Firestorm" and the atomic explosions at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Racial and "religious'"(ideological) hatred played no part in the decision to use these two techniques to defeat the enemy. They were used to assure the survival of OUR side.
We must use these twin boys of Ares against our most determined enemy. He is determined to destroy us. We MUST destroy him first.
No matter how much they squeal "Islamophobia!" or "race" crime! Remember the enemy is neither a race nor one ethnicity. The enemy is an ideology. This ideology consists of killing or enslaving all those who do not BELIEVE in it. It is an ideology of evil. Destroying it--utterly--can be done with a clear conscience.
Now, an ideology is not something that float about the ether. It resides in the minds of men (and women). To destroy the ideology, we must destroy the men (and women0 in whose minds the ideology resides.
Here's where the squeamish start shying away from what must be done.
If you have a child (or more), whom would you rather see die: your child or the enemy? It is a decision that you will have to make. Your children or theirs? Your women or theirs?
You must decide. Do it or die.
Germany: Update on Mannheim Attacker
Hat tip New English Review.
The driver of the car involved in the Mannheim car attack is identified in
the German press as Alexander S., a resident of ...
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