The Obama Healthcare Scam
1. Obama's Pushes Racial Preferences in Healthcare Bill
Obama Health Care Bill Contains Race Preferences
Black Activist Speaks Out Against Proposed Unequal Allocation of Health Resources
Between pages 878 and 909 of H.R. 3200, in an area related to grants for medical training, the Secretary of Health and Human Services is empowered to grant preference in awarding training grants. For the specialties of "family medicine, general internal medicine, general pediatrics, geriatrics and physician assistantship" (pages 878-882); "medical residents on community-based settings" (pages 883-886) and "general, pediatric and public health dentists and dental hygienists" (pages 887-891), it is written that "the Secretary shall give preference to... entities that have a demonstrated record of... training individuals who are from underrepresented minority groups or disadvantaged backgrounds."
Further, the bill amends the Public Health Service Act to give preferences in "advanced education nursing grants" to programs that "increase diversity among advanced education nurses" (pages 892-895). Grants for "enhancing the public health workforce" similarly give preference to "entities that have a demonstrated record of... training individuals who are from underrepresented minority groups or disadvantaged backgrounds" (pages 907-909).. . . "By making racial preferences a shortcut to federal funding, schools will reduce their quest for the best and turn it into a hunt for the right racial numbers. This, in the long run, will hurt the quality of our nation's health care. We need to stop the social experimentation and focus on cost and performance."
A PDF version of H.R. 3200 can be found at
Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog: Race Preferences in Health ...
An examination of the 1018-page "America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009" (H.R. 3200) - the official Obama health care bill - finds ...
2. Obama Healthcare is Death Sentence for Seniors
[No photo of what's-his-face. Too many pictures of him (narcissist) around.]
Health-care reform "will not be pain free" and seniors should be "more accepting of the conditions that come with age instead of having them treated."
-- Former Sen. Tom Daschle (D)
Conservative Beach Girl: Obama Medical Care and your 'duty to die'
There is something wrong with this man. Something beyond the common politician's lust for power or the boomer narcissist's lust for approval.
When he was championing legislation to deny foetuses that survived a late-term abortion medical care, he actually suggested that abortionists should have the right to stick the babies in supply closets until they had the decency to die.
Now he suggests our senior citizens should be denied medical procedures, instead just taking a pain pill and sitting back to wait for their public-spirited death.
He must hear these words coming out of his own mouth... but he seems to have no idea why anybody might find them horrific.What kind of emotionally-damamged sociopath have we elected? Will we ever learn what the hell shaped this freak?
Posted by richard mcenroe
For moreabout Obama Healthcare and about the Obama Healthcare Press Conference, see
The real FAIL of the Obama presser
— Karl @ 10:14 am
Neville Healthcare Article
Neville Healthcare Article Updates
June 16, 2009-Obamacare Extravaganza on ABC
June 26, 2009-Withholding Care From the Elderly
July 18, 2009-You Can't Keep Your Current Plan
July 21, 2009-(1) Obama's scheme to "save money" and fix social security at the same time!
July 21, 2009-(2) Senate & House Bills Dissected
July 21, 2009-(3) Fascism on Display-Who's Advising Obama on Healthcare
July 22, 2009-House Bill Dissected Pt 2
Related Articles:
ObamaCare in Trouble
GovernmentCare's Assault on Seniors
Their Own Medicine-Senators prefer the insurance they have
A Reckless Congress
Parsing the Health Reform Arguments-Some of the shibboleths don't make much sense.
Healthcare: How Washington Rations
Why the Health Care Rush? The Bill Can't Stand Scrutiny
Canada's ObamaCare Precedent
ObamaCare Sticker Shock-A $1.6 trillion deficit boost, and the uninsured will still be with us.
Massachusetts Universal Healthcare Doesn't Add Up
For an Overview of the Obama Healthcare Bill, see
Obama's Revenge -- A Psychological Profile
Suborned in the U.S.A.
The birth-certificate controversy is about Obama’s honesty, not where he was born.
By Andrew C. McCarthy
COMMENT: I am not as convinced as is Andrew McCarthy of Obama's birthplace. lw
Dems Prepare To Disrupt Trump Speech
In 2000, then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi stood behind President
Trump on the podium, picked up her copy of his speech, and,sure everyone
there and...
So, I'm just curious. Are you trolling for the lunatic end of the population, or are you that sincerely gullible?
ReplyDeleteI mean, I realize that the Glenn Becks of the world are bringing paranoid schizophrenia into the mainstream, but just a few years ago, a rant like this would have been restricted to wild-eyed maniacs on the streetcorner with hand-printed cardboard signs, or late-night reruns of "Soylent Green."
White guilt got this evil man elected. Liberals are just racists against their own kind--suicidal.