How to Stop Islamization
Advice from an Indian (Hindu)
No other people have had more experience with Moslems than Hindu India.
Here briefly are suggested methods of containment and de-Islamization:
Demographic containment
1. Ban muslim immigration
2. Evacuate non-muslims from muslim countries to de-islamise non-islamic countries
3. Selective import of non-muslims
4. Encourage ban on abortion and raise fertility to at least replacement levels
This means there is no demographic vacuum that can let in muslim immigrants
Even the so called secular / moderate hindus will never let a muslim rent an apartment in their neighborhood
I don't know a single hindu / sikh / buddhist / xtian who will want to move to a muslim neighborhood
You never know when you will get stabbed
I advocate self defense and during self defense we should not worry about 'collateral damage'
If muslims start it, reply to them in the same manner
Historically only islamic methods work on muslims
What typically happens is that thanks to politically correct liberals and vote hungry politicians
muslims get away with low level violence and in this situation there is no other option
Let me point out another recent [written in 2005] incident
As you know muslims in Iraq have been kidnapping and beheading foreigners
About 3 months ago, they beheaded 12 Nepalese hindus
In response, muslims in Nepal got a 'Gujurat type reprisal'
( about 30000 Nepalese muslims got ethnic cleansed by Nepalese hindu mobs )
and no more Nepalese have been kidnapped in Iraq
Whereas they non-stop behead western hostages
As a matter of strategy muslims have used ethnic riots worldwide for centuries
and they will be dissuaded only if they get a taste of the same medicine
So far in the US, the justice system functions and we can expect the courts will jail jihadist muslims
and in the current situation in the US, ethnic riots are not needed
In India, vote hungry politicians ensure that muslim jihadists are unpunished
The Indian Parliament has about 5 known jihadist terrorists and some of them are even ministers
Democracies are very vulnerable to vote hungry politicians who patronise jihadis
Fortunately muslims are just 1% of US
They form a large voting block in Michigan and Kerry won Michigan because he was perceived to be soft
on islamic terror
Wait till muslims reach 10% and you will see subversion of democracy by vote hungry politicians
Mohammed was a gangster and his followers use gangster methods on non-muslims and only respond to counter-gangsterism
Consider these reprisal riots as similar to westen frontier lynchings of outlaws because the law was
You have not lived in a country with 13% muslims
Every muslim area is a no-go ghetto, where non-muslims are routinely stabbed, kafir women raped etc
About 80% of the mafia is muslim
When muslims reach 13% in your town, lets see what happens
Hint, watch what the muslims are doing in western europe
BTW, when the muslims were burning the train, they were screaming
slogans praising Osama
Osama T-shirts are very popular among Indian muslims
And while we are on the subject of riots
Lets recall the Moplah riots where muslims killed 20000 hindus
Ethnic riots are wrong, no matter what the provocation.
If more kafirs give the Gujurat treatment to their jihadist internal muslims,
we will have peace
The last words sent by the Indian Hindu were the following:
The only way to stop islam is to nuke every islamic country immediately
[sounds drastic and horrible, but . . . it may have to come to that. Let us hope not for all our sakes]
Only islamic methods work on muslims
In general muslims resort to jihadism when they cross a local threshold
Indian law enforcement has a ready rule of thumb, any neighborhood with over 30% muslim is considered
' communally sensitive '
Meaning muslims start rioting to ethnic cleanse kafirs
This 30% is a rough rule of thumb, it depends on the organisation and retaliation capacity of the local kafirs
In reality it varies from 20% to 60%, but nevertheless the threshold exists
Indian cops call it 'critical mass'
Godhra for example is 40% muslim and muslim rioting there has been non-stop since 1928
Cannot be repeated too often:
Demographic containment
1. Ban muslim immigration
2. Evacuate non-muslims from muslim countries to de-islamise non-islamic countries
3. Selective import of non-muslims
4. Encourage ban on abortion and raise fertility to at least replacement levels
This means there is no demographic vacuum that can let in muslim immigrants
In the meantime let muslims stew in their own juice until they reform
Demographically contained, muslims don't resort to violence
Note: This post was first published on October 7, 2006
Fall of the Alamo
Robert Jenkins Onderdonk, Fall of the Alamo, 1903, Texas State Archives.
March 6, 1836: Following a thirteen-day siege, more than 2000 Mexican
troops launc...
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