(next-to-the-*)WORST CASE SCENARIO
Let us suppose, Islam is more and more victorious in the world. Europe has fallen to them and they have made such inroads in the United States as holding majorities in both houses of Congress as well as having, say, three Moslem justices on our Supreme Court, and of course Moslems in the cabinet, CAIR crowing triumphantly, and a couple of Moslem candidates vying for the presidency of the United States.
What is left for us, Americans who don't want to see our children become Moslems, who want our country back? Answer: Resistance, the underground, the people intent on
overthrowing the Islamics.
Remember, there is no Constitution that protects the government from being overthrown, once sharia reigns supreme.
There are Moslems living now in the United States--whether immigrants, residents, or American citizens--like that "nice family a couple of houses down the block," lovely people, just like us, only that they go to mosque on Friday instad of to church on Sunday. They dress as we do, speak perfect English, explain Islamic customs and are eager to relate the history of Moslem holidays.
These are what we consider to be "moderate" Moslems. As contrasted to the "Islamic extremists," our governmental authorities babble about. There are those who pretend to be that, the undercover jihadists. But when Islam rules supreme, these will come out of the shadows, eager to be recognized as devout Moslems.
The Real "Moderate" Moslems
To my mind, if you are a Moslem who believes that the koran is holy and comes directly from a Moslem god, and that the life of Mohammed was exemplary and that every Moslem should follow this journey in the world by this "perfect man," you cannot be "moderate."
It is, as has been said before ad nauseam, similar to being pregnant. You cannot be "moderately" pregnant as contrasted to "fully" pregnant. I mean the state either is or is not. Likewise, a Moslem either is a full believer or he is not.
Yes, there are "secular" Moslems or "Moslems-in-name-only" as Hugh Fitzgerald, Vice President of the Board at Jihad Watch, so insightfully observed. There are Moslems who imbibe alcohol and do not emulate the "oh-so-pure" life of Mohammed (lacking in "purity" in sexual matters, however so there's plenty of room for them in that arena).
These "luke-warm" Moslems still feel their "Moslemhood" at critical times, such as when the umma celebrates a successful al qaeda strike against one of the two "Satans."
When push comes to shove and an angered populace starts cleaning out berobed, koran-wielding Moslems from their midst, will these "in-name-onlys" side with us or will they feel the pull of their "Moslemhood" and side with their more devout ideologues.
More appropriate yet is an instance when, let us suppose, the ummah (Moslem wold) is more and more victorious, to repeat: Europe has fallen to them and they have made such inroads in the United States as holding majorities in both houses of Congress as well as having, say, three Moslem justices on our Supreme Court, and of course Moslems in the cabinet, CAIR crowing triumphantly, and a couple of Moslem candidates vying for the presidency of the United States.
When "it is good to be a Moslem," will these "moderate," "slightly pregnant" Moslems join in with Islam triumphant? Or will we be able to depend on these Moslem "good ol boys" on being on our side, the Resistance, the Underground, the people intent on taking our country back?
*The worst-case scenario of course is that the United States is taken over by Islamic forces--Moslems--and the Constitution is supplanted by sharia (Moslem law). In that case, we will be living under an Islamic tyranny. Eventually, we will end up as Persia ended up--what it is today: the population is Moslem--the few remaining Christians, Jews, Zoroastrian are persecuted and made to feel so uncomfortable that some will opt out, become Moslems. It no longer Persia, it is Iran.
Andrew Breitbart: I Still Miss My Friend And Mentor
My goal is to try to weaponize the American people, try to weaponize the
conservative movement, try to weaponize the underground conservative
Hollywood m...
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