For the rest of us:
from Greg at
Democrat Barack Obama ha[d] a message for Tennessee's Republican Party: "Lay off my wife."
Obama, his party's presidential front-runner, and his wife, Michelle, were asked in an interview aired Monday on ABC's "Good Morning America" about an online video last week by the state's GOP taking her to task for a comment some considered unpatriotic.
"The GOP, should I be the nominee, can say whatever they want to say about me, my track record," Obama said. "If they think that they're going to try to make Michelle an issue in this campaign, they should be careful because that I find unacceptable, the notion that you start attacking my wife or my family."
He called the strategy "low class."
quoting Greg from
Well, Barack, you and your trashy-ass America-hating wife would certainly know low class.
And as my friend Robbie pointed out on his website, you seem to have spent a lot of time putting topics off-limits for discussion during this campaign in addition to your Michelle.
We’re not allowed to call him Hussein — even though it’s his Allah-given name.
We’re not allowed to talk about his father.
We’re not allowed to talk about his mother, or his grandmother either.
We’re not allowed to talk about his Kenyan cousin.
We’re not allowed to talk about his terrorist friends.
We’re not allowed to talk about his shady real-estate dealings.
We’re not allowed to talk about his ties to the Nation of Islam.
We’re not allowed to talk about his (lack of) patriotism.
We’re not allowed to talk about his prior drug use.
We’re not allowed to talk about his Muslim upbringing in Indonesia.
We’re not allowed to talk about the radical Islamic terrorists who support his candidacy.
We’re not allowed to talk about his white-folk and America hatin’ reverend.
and Greg from
http://rhymeswithright.mu.nu/archives/262909.php comments:
And since Michelle has declared off-limits anything that "doesn't help my children" (read that "anything that doesn't show Senator Obama in the purest Obamessiah light), it seems like there is a lot that the Obamas are afraid to let the American people talk about.
Trump Should Pull Out of Gaza Nation Building
The ceasefire deal means spending $50 billion to rebuild Gaza.
The disastrous ceasefire deal proposed by the Biden administration and
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