Sultan Knish: "A $150,000,000 coronation for the Prince of Chicago, a lavish subversion of American democracy splashed across every television and website."
. . . an Inauguration of Ignorance, a Festival of Fraud and a Reception of Racism. The only history being made here is the Fall of a Republic, into a phony populist monarchy. When the 21st Hijacker in Chief takes his oath of office, America will be facing the greatest challenge to its own survival since the Civil War, a ruthlessly corrupt Bread and Circuses Presidency.
An invocation that is needed at the Coronation:
"Ave Imperator, sic transit gloria mundi!" ("Hail O Emperor, thus passes the glory of the world!")
To remind the "Chosen One" that all this sh*t doesn't last for all eternity.
[Related: The Coronation of the Emperor Jones]
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