U.S. Moslem Congressman Keith Ellison taking his oath of office on the koran

* Mahdi Bray: Muslim American Society didn’t pay for Ellison’s hajj; Ellison’s office: Yes, they did
Muslim Congressman's Hajj paid for by Muslim Brotherhood front group
On Obama’s inauguration, Muslims say, ‘It’s our time’
by Bob Unruh, WorldNet Daily, Jan. 9, 2009
via http://www.israpundit.com/2008/
A magazine that proudly promotes itself as Muslim has announced a special edition for Barack Obama’s inauguration as president, with Editor Nida Kahn claiming, “It’s our time.”
The publication, Elan magazine, also includes endorsements of Obama’s familiarity with Islam from the daughter of Malcolm X and Benjamin F. Chavis Muhammad, the chief of the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network, as well as others.
The magazine, which calls itself the “guide to global Muslim culture,” is distributed in the U.S., Pakistan, Indonesia, Canada, Qatar, the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates, as well as online.
‘I believe he will help bring about a better understanding Islam is religion of peace’
Its cover story for the edition, “Muslim World Embraces Obama,” “explores the hopes and aspirations of Muslims regarding America’s new president.” (Continue Reading this Article)

Of all the clergy in America ..... why her?Obama invites Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood linked ISNA to offer prayer at inauguration ISNA was an unindicted co-conspirator in the same Hamas funding case that named CAIR as a Muslim Brotherhood group in the same Brotherhood document that speaks of its goal of destroying Western civilization from within.(more)Creeping Sharia has more:
A prayer will be offered at the National Cathedral by Ingrid Mattson, the first woman president of the Islamic Society of North America, according to an official who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to release the information. The Islamic Society, based in Indiana, is the nation’s largest Muslim group. Source: AP
In ISNA Admits Hamas Ties, previously classified details on ISNA’s Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood connections are revealed:
In its latest filing before the federal district court in Dallas on behalf of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and its affiliate organization, the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) in the Hamas-terrorism financing case, the ACLU has made a noteworthy admission.
Rather than deny that there is copious evidence tying ISNA and NAIT to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, the brief argues that such evidence is merely dated. In a curious footnote on page 7, the reply states:
Assuming the authenticity of documents’ dates, the most recent documents to mention either ISNA or NAIT are dated 1991, Gov. Exhs. 3-3 and 3-85, but the majority of the documents are older. Almost all of the numerous exhibits that purport to show financial transactions and that contain any mention of ISNA or NAIT are dated 1988 and 1989 (there are two dated 1990), almost a decade before the majority of the overt acts the government alleges in support of its conspiracy charges against the HLF defendants.
So ISNA and NAIT are not saying that the documents tying their organizations to Hamas are “inauthentic,” but that the problem with the evidence is just that it is old.
Obama is quite fond of ISNA, an unindicted co-conspirator to a convicted terrorist funding organization, HLF, and previously invited Mattson to preside over an interfaith event at the Democratic National Convention. More on Ingrid Mattson in Her Own Words.
And more on ISNA from Frontpage’s Reforming Terror: (the rest here)
Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, January 15, 2009 at 02:42 AM in Muslim in the White House?, President Hussein Permalink
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