What can and will we do about it?
from http://www.6thcolumnagainstjihad.com/a_gmason_p7.htm:
We know who the enemies are
[The] virulent socialists have reemerged from the collapse of the old left and old communism to form what Mr. [David] Horowitz properly calls the “neocommunists,” or “neocomms.” The neocomms, however, have devolved from their pining for the new world order of old communism to raw nihilism—destruction of everything. Their goal is to destroy America and everything it stands for, and now they have new partners.
The new partners are the Islamic jihadists, who want exactly the same thing: The destruction of America and all it stands for. This is the hardcore FIFTH COLUMN, with many strap-hangers along for the ride. This is the UNHOLY ALLIANCE David Horowitz presents. And, hold your hats, the Unholy Alliance is WINNING. If we don’t get off our derrieres, we are going to be herded into a totalitarian state worse than any of those in the 20th century, and we will be bowing to Mecca five times a day.
The Unholy Alliance members are organized, and they are speaking with one voice, from one sheet of paper, as the expression goes. We Americans are not organized, nor are we speaking from the same sheet of paper. We are divided, in part by the effect of our own ignorance, direct effects philosopher John Dewey unleashed on American education (from K-12 and through all of the teachers colleges, and into the university system), and the total takeover of academia and all media by neocomms. In short, we are facing a principled and consistent leftist alliance combating US, an under-principled and very inconsistent America and West. If we do not become fully principled, and very consistent in their application, we will lose to this new Fifth Column.
Since 11 September 2001, the neocomms and the jihadists in America fused to achieve the same symbiotic end. The two are almost indistinguishable in content, rhetoric, and behavior. As a result, we have a ferociously dangerous FIFTH COLUMN in America and throughout the West. We have organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union, National Lawyers Guild, and Center for Constitutional Rights, ANSWER, Not In My Name, Code Pink, AFCSME and other unions, and many others, linking with the United Nations, Council for American-Islamic Relations, Muslim Brotherhood, Muslim Students Association, Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and many others. Some of these names are from the book, and others I have added because of their obvious neocomm-jihadist orientation. Joining them are strap-hanger Fifth Columnist comsymps in the Democrat Party such as Al Gore, Jimmy Carter, and the Democrat Party dumpling, Michael Moore, as well as almost half the U. S. Senate. The bulk of American journalism—print and broadcast--vibrates in sympathy and support, and almost all of American education at all levels dances to the neocomms-jihadist tunes. This is not “conspiracy theorizing.” It is fact, and Horowitz proves the case.
Their plan is first to paralyze America with legal and moral-appearing means. Then they will move in to kill the paralyzed beast of America.
Mr. Horowitz makes the case and names the names. He threatens this fifth column so much that they have launched a campaign to discredit him and this book. Just that behavior alone should make you run out and buy the book.
The final chapter concerns secessionism. To the neocomms-jihadists, the goal is to destroy patriotism so that the citizens can secede from the ideas of and the physical existence of America. Read it for yourself. Mr. Horowitz quotes these people liberally here, and throughout the book, because they mince no words about their ideas and intents.
We who love individual freedom, capitalism, and the Constitution of the United States have a clear obligation to defend our values. We start by erasing ignorance and sharpening our awareness. While doing this, we become activists. We start pushing back--in the press, on the air, and in every way we can.
We fight back with the correct intellectual ammunition. Our ideas are better, and we must make them highly visible and dominant. This book is a valuable piece of that intellectual ammunition. Never forget that they are winning, NOT BECAUSE THEIR IDEAS ARE BETTER, but because they are being consistent. Our ideas are better, and with consistent application of reason, we will win.
David Horowitz is the President of the Center for the Study of Popular Culture and editor of Frontpagemag.com, an on-line magazine, which receives over 4.5 million page views a month. He has spoken at more than 200 colleges and universities, and has appeared on Nightline, Crossfire, Today, Good Morning America, C-SPAN, CNBC, Fox News Channel and CBS’s This Morning, and gives hundreds of interviews yearly on radio and television. He has authored numerous books and has started organizations to restore free speech to academia and to correct the drift of the Democrat Party to the aggressive socialist left.
and now . . .
If--or when--a civil uprising will . . . come to these United States again, from whence will it originate? Civil unrest--revolution--usually originates in the minds of intellectuals. Civil unrest must have an ideology behind it--ideas--and these spawn in the fertile minds of the intellectuals.
People who are --who must be--concerned with staying alive, concentrate on their work, leaving little space for idle cogitating. The mind of the intellectual, is constantly beset by feverish activity to solve the problems of existence he/she sees around him/herself.
Intellectuals are commonly thought to belong to the progressive part of the public--the Left. But would it be Leftist intellectuals that strike the spark that lights the flame of liberty?
Sara Robinson in her article When Change Is Not Enough: Seven Steps to Revolution appears to believe so. Revolution, if it were to come, would come from the Liberals--led by such as Obama. Obama? Liberals? But aren't they for gun control? For "multiculturalism," the opening that our enemies, determined on taking over the United States for Islam, are using to subvert our laws and establish Islamic law--sharia--to replace the Constitution and make it irrelevant?
Any Revolution emanating from the Left--with a leadership such as Obama--Afrocentrically oriented, would be determined to turn the the society upside down--that is to let the bottom classes rise to the top and make what are now the upper classes subservient to them.
Yes, we have these types of Revolutions today, Hugo Chavez's in Venezuela was such a one. Not entirely bloodless, but nothing like a civil war and he has the country in the grip of a Socialist regime--just as Castro has done with Cuba.
The "disposessed" rise to the top--are in control--via a benevolent (to them) dictator.
A Revolution that emanates from the Left, would most likely end in a Socialist dictatorship that could easily slip into the grasp of the Islamics and end with these latter triumphant.
We have an ever-increasing polarization in the United States. There are those that are open to the Islamics taking over (the Left) and those who are determined that they will not (the Right). Who will win?
To whom is it left up to to make that decision?
To you.
Make it--fast--and act upon it NOW.
Stay in touch with each other.
It is not numbers but the quality of those determined to save the country.
Never give in.
Germany: Update on Mannheim Attacker
Hat tip New English Review.
The driver of the car involved in the Mannheim car attack is identified in
the German press as Alexander S., a resident of ...
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