Friday, September 19, 2008

A further Introduction to "Community Organizing"

is it akin to "rabble-rousing? Look at the following and find out!

(take your pick. I sort of like starting out with Obama's own "On Organizing After Saul Alinsky")
It pays to find out. This Obama might be our next President (G-d forbid!)

ACORN: Value Of Community Organizing
Obama On Organizing After Saul Alinsky
Alinsky - Education Of An Organizer (Pt 2)
Alinsky - Education Of An Organizer (Pt 1)
Obama's Incredible Background And Plans
Sharpton Kicks Off Voter Fraud Campaign
Obama = Lincoln, Gandhi, Cicero + Jesus
Obama Hid $832,598 Payment To ACORN
The Audacity Of Obama's Padded Résumé
CPUSA And Obama Platforms Are Identical
The Forces Behind Obama: Soros, Acorn
Obama Wants More Cash For His Ministers
Did Obama Avoid Chicago-Style Corruption?
Barack Obama, The Amazing Organizer?
The Questionable Rise Of Barack Obama
Barack Obama - On Meeting Mister Wright
More On When Obama Met Jeremiah Wright

I'm going to be taking material from these and similar articles and posts and analyzing it between now and the election. I want to make it as simple as possible to learn about the man who wrote--what was it?--"Lies of My Father?" No no no. Ah--"The Audacity of some-thing-or-other" what was it again? Aw heck, I'll settle for "Lies and Dreams" Being the main ingredients of a self-inflated upstart who thinks he's outsmarted us all, but is only a smidgin above average in intelligence. Just watch him when he has to think on his feet. No intellectual giant he. He is a mentally-stumbling-about fraud. Pretentious as all get-out.

Oh, I just came upon a U-Tube cum ("with" from the Latin, not the other meaning) that is, with some text where Sandra Berhard threatens Sarah Palin that if she were ever to come to New York, she (Bernhard) would see to it that she (Sarah Palin) will be raped by some big black "brothers" of the nasty New York Sandra. Apparently the Bernhard broad doesn't know that those people up in Alaska are not like the wimpy white dudes in New York City. The bad-ass "brothers" could be in for a big surprise were they ever to try anything such as was threatened.

By the way, I have instructions for an excellent "before" Rape Kit at Scroll down to the "Cure" part. That is, a kit of toold that can assure that would-be rapists are unable to perform or complete their putrid task.

Here's the Sandra Bernhard bit:

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