Monday, November 17, 2008

“A Brief Message To America” by Roger Gardner

No Sheeples Here!: Roger W. Gardner: A Gentle Giant

message is about 1/3 down the page

but do not fail to read the entire post at


  1. Leslie,

    Thanks for cross-posting the article I wrote about the courageous blogger, Roger Gardner, of Radarsite.

    You honor the man who is battling leukemia. I hope all who read the article will come to know Roger better and will pray for him in the most important battle of his life.

    Take care out there.

  2. No Sheeples Here,

    Roger Gardner once left a comment at one of my posts that showed his generous nature. I am hoping that he will not be taken from us.

    I am grateful to all those such a you who are continuing posting at Roger's Radarsite while he is away (temporarily, one must hope and pray).

    Thank you for your kind note.
