nothing has changed about the Obama history, except that he has been elected and can now wreak havoc on the American people and their Constitution.
Everything we have posted about candidate Obama holds true for president-elect Obama.
His bithplace is still in limbo.
We know that election fraud from the Obama camp was rampant and no one had been able to do anything about that either.
More and more of the stinking stuff will hit the fan, and spatter us all. And it appears that there ain't a damn' thing we can do about it.
At this time.
Patience is a virtue
Virtue is a grace
Grace is a little Girl
Who didn't wash her face
Origin of "Patience is a virtue":
From "Random House Dictionary of Popular Proverbs and Sayings" by Gregory Y. Titelman (Random House, New York, 1996): "Patience is a virtue. The ability to wait for something without excessive frustration is a valuable character trait. The proverb has been traced back to 'Piers Plowman' (1377) by William Langland and is similar to the Latin, Maxima enim..patientia virtus (Patience is the greatest virtue) and the French, Patience est une grant vertu. (Patience is a great value.) Some ten years after Langland, Chaucer wrote in 'The Canterbury Tales' (1386) that 'Patience is a high virtue.' Sometimes followed by the wry rejoinder 'but virtue can hurt you.' First cited in the United States in 1724 in the 'Works of Thomas Chalkley' (1766)..."
Patience is a virtue because it makes us better people. The definition of the word is to tolerate delay. This implies self control and forebearance as opposed to wanting what we want when we want it. How many times have we jumped the gun and found out it it would have been better to tolerate delay or had self control? What did we miss out on? Did we hurt someone because of lack of patience? Did our lives just change completely just because we couldn't control ourselves? Patience is not only a virtue but a necessity for a happy existence.
Patience is no virtue
[another point of view]
Patience is not so much a virtue as it is a reward that comes to those in balance. Do not try to "be" patient, or to practice patience, or try to emulate those who are patient. It isn't a habit, or something to be learned for its own sake. Patience is no virtue; patience is a reward.
Patience is a state of balance that rises simply out of understanding; the unexpected gift experienced after a confluence of a sense of time, of struggle, of perspective, of judgment, of harnessing the mind.
Patience is not impossible in today's world, but it is not the norm for our time.
Patience is its own reward
So sensible people don't practice patience as a virtue. They work to understand the sense of time, the struggle, the perspective, and the judgment. What results is patience. Patience is practice. Patience is the reward. Furthermore, patience is its own reward.$17 -- Easily Accessible Character Education.
Is Patience Really A Virtue?
By Vatche Bartekian
Stress Management Specialist
Every person has to exercise patience in order to face difficulties, whether he[/she]does so willingly or not. The wise man [and woman] readily exercises patience because he[/she] realizes its benefits, and knows that he[/she] will be rewarded for his[/her] fortitude and criticized if he[/she] panics. He[/She] is aware that if he[/she] doesn't have patience, panicking and impatience will not help him[/her] regain missed opportunities, and will not take away things he[/she] dislikes.
Fate also has a small, but important, role to play. In most cases where patience is required, a situation is inevitably out of your control. A wise man once said, "Whatever is decreed cannot be prevented from happening, and whatever is decreed not to happen cannot be made to happen." So an attitude of impatience and panic actually causes harm in such instances.
[color emphasis mine. lw]
"We should never despair. . . . "
from TMQ2:
Joan Swirsky: America the Beautiful
November 8, 2008
by Lance
Mark Alexander, the publisher of, quotes George Washington, who said: "We should never despair. Our situation before has been unpromising and has changed for the better, so I trust, it will again. If new difficulties arise, we must only put forth new Exertions and proportion our Efforts to the exigency of the times."Alexander, ala FDR, calls the election of Barack Obama “a date which will live in infamy.” “Liberals have elected a Socialist with deep ties to cultural and ethnocentric radicalism, and his executive and legislative agenda pose a greater threat to American liberty than that of any president in the history of our great republic.
“Obama has twice taken an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic" and to "bear true faith and allegiance to the same." He has never honored that oath, and, based on his policy proposals and objectives, he has no intention to honor it after again reciting that oath on 20 January 2009. Obama seeks to, in his own words, "break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution."
My [Joan Swirsky's] perspective is not so bleak. We still have an influential conservative media, a growing number of exciting conservative stars on the political horizon, and an electorate that voted in huge numbers for a Republican candidate who was outspent by multimillions, shamefully savaged by a biased media, and distrusted by many of his fellow Party members. We won’t make that mistake again! And we won’t make the mistake of not reminding the electorate just how contributory we Republicans have been in fighting the Democrats to bring about true racial justice in our country.
from comes this gem:
Comrade Barack Obama is Not America’s Next President!
November 8, 2008 by Lance
by Devvy
“In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.”
Mark Twain, Notebook, 1904
I’m not going to comment on the carefully orchestrated show put on yesterday by the media; that will be my next column. What a scam. As I have covered in previous columns, between dirty voting rolls, voter registration fraud, illegals voting and corrupted electronic voting machines and scanners, we have NO idea who was legally elected [Nov. 4th]. I updated the compilation of vote fraud links; see here. There are more at the bottom.
Continue Reading »
Sultan Knish sez:
. . . there were people who were pushing Obama while repressing or avoiding dealing with the hollowness of his manipulative campaign. And now they have to wonder if they did the right thing and what the butcher's bill will be. And of course the best penance they can perform is to hold him accountable and end the double standard that has made a mockery of journalism.
On the other side of course there is Chris Matthews as the prototype of the sort of talking head propagandist who will keep cheering on the fuhrer no matter what.
So that's what we come down to. Meanwhile any journalists who wake up and begin questioning their Beloved Leader will suddenly discover that their access is gone, and that Rahm will be on the phone to their editors. This will not be the Clinton or the Bush years, there will be positive coverage... or else.
And look for Obama to begin sidelining reporters in favor of left wing bloggers and supportive talk show hosts.
And they'll have a lot of questions to ask because the economy isn't taking the Beloved Leader's election well.
From An Opinion from Across the Pond - Goodbye America
If you can believe that this undistinguished and conventionally Left-wing machine politician is a sort of secular saviour, then you can believe anything. He plainly doesn’t believe it himself. His cliche-stuffed, PC clunker of an acceptance speech suffered badly from nerves. It was what you would expect from someone who knew he’d promised too much and that from now on the easy bit was over. Read the rest of this article.
Hitchens hits the nail on the head with “The night we waved goodbye to America - our last best hope”. He could see it, we could see it, but too many of our fellow citizens couldn’t.
The Fairness Doctrine: What You May Not Know
Cross-posted by Maggie at Maggie's Notebook
Democrat dominance in Washington, D.C. guarantees the reinstitution of some type of policy to control the balance of Conservative and Liberal radio talk shows.
Obama Win Causes Obsessive Supporters To Realize How Empty Their Lives Are
It appears the position First Lady of the United States will be held by a non-lady for the first time in American history.
Shady and the Tramp
First Tramp - Michelle Obama
Q: What kind of lady would openly express hatred for her country yet live off of it gratis while her hubby is president?
A: No lady would. Period.
Two words come to mind here: Jheri Curl. Continue Reading »
Getting back to "Patience,"
I like the last line of the following article:
If patience is a virtue, why does it hurt so much?
Ruth Wajnryb
June 14, 2008
"PATIENT" comes from Latin — patiens, derived from pati, suffer, which also sired "passion" that used to signify the suffering of martyrs, long before it got sexy. Certainly, the suffering came first; later came the quality of mind that allows you to put up with the pain. Patience, wrote Ambrose Bierce, is "a minor form of despair, disguised as a virtue". Do it well and it's "stoic endurance".
While we're on the topic, "fortitude" entered English from Latin in the 15th century, derived from the word for "courage", again implying a strength of spirit. In this lexical set, there's no room for "complain" or any of its siblings (moan, gripe, bleat, whine, whimper, carp, kvetch …).
Semantics and etymology aside, pain concentrates the mind. It lets nothing else in. It makes the self everything. It demarcates where you end and another begins, because no one can feel your pain, other than metaphorically. And when you're flat on your back, riddled with it, metaphors are small comfort.
Pain is what the patient says it is, whispers a lovely nurse, with wisdom and compassion beyond her years: she knows I don't want to talk about it, analyse it, classify it. Another wants to know the qualitative nature of my pain - is it an ache, a stabbing, perhaps a throb? Does it come and go, or is it one long sensation? Where precisely is it? Nowhere else? Is it worse when I cough, or sit up? It's worse when I talk about it but I don't say that.
I'm reminded of the heuristic underpinning qualitative research. Imagine pain is on a plinth in a dark room. Shine a bright light there and describe what you find. No, you want to scream. Forget the torch and the dark room. I don't care what it looks like. Just bring me some morphine. The doctor drops in, having been heralded, foreshadowed, hinted at all morning. He's a numbers man. What's the pain like, then? Out of 10, where'd you rate it? I hesitate. He jumps in again. Is it higher or lower than before?
He pretends it's all ball-park approximations, as if there are no consequences. But I know my answer will lock me into something. Will a high number bring the morphine sooner? Or will they whisper about me at the nurse's station (is that like Stations of the Cross?), with talk of "thresholds" and "injections of stoicism"?
Could I possibly skip the stoicism and go straight to the morphine?
This story was found at:
Germany: Syrian Refugee Stabs Spanish Tourist at Berlin Holocaust Memorial
Motive: To kill Jews
Berlin Holocaust Memorial
On Friday evening, A 19-year-old Syrian refugee allegedly stabbed a Spanish
tourist in the neck with a...
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