Trump Should Pull Out of Gaza Nation Building
The ceasefire deal means spending $50 billion to rebuild Gaza.
The disastrous ceasefire deal proposed by the Biden administration and
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Friday, August 22, 2008
The "just-plain-folks-look-I'm-from-Kansas-just-another-working-stiff" Obama, lives in a $1.65 million home
Elitist? You bet your booty! Got there via Affirmative Action? What'd'you think? Involved in crooked Chicago Politics? Yep! See the Rezko chicanery or better chicaneries* in the post "Sweet Home Obama" below.
* chi·ca·nery
\-ˈkān-rē, -ˈkā-nə-\
plural chi·ca·ner·ies
1 : deception by artful subterfuge or sophistry : trickery
2 : a piece of sharp practice (as at law) : trick
Spelled Pronunciation[shi-key-nuh-ree, chi-]
1. trickery or deception by quibbling or sophistry: He resorted to the worst flattery and chicanery to win the job.
2. a quibble or subterfuge used to trick, deceive, or evade.
[Origin: 1605–15; chicane -ery]
—Synonyms 1. fraud, deception, knavery. 2. evasion.
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Sweet Home Obama
By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY Posted Friday, August 22, 2008 4:20 PM PT
Politics: Barack Obama mocks John McCain for not knowing the number of his residences. Does that include the Hanoi Hilton? At least McCain's real estate broker is not a felon he did favors for.
Read More: Election 2008
When John McCain, the itinerant Navy son of an itinerant Navy admiral, ran for Congress in 1982, an opponent called him a carpetbagger in one debate.
"Listen, pal," McCain replied. "I wish I could have had the luxury, like you, of growing up and living and spending my entire life in a nice place like the first district of Arizona, but I was doing other things. As a matter of fact, when I think about it now, the place I lived longest in my life was Hanoi."
Considering his own history, it's an unseemly stretch for the Hawaii-born Obama to exploit McCain's remark that he wasn't sure how many homes he and his wife owned through various entities.
Obama tried to paint McCain, who should have answered "fewer than John Kerry," as an out-of-touch real estate mogul having a senior moment. Obama humbly said: "If you're like me, and you've got one house, or you are like the millions of people who are struggling right now to keep up with their mortgage so they don't lose their home, you might have a different perspective."
Obama, who lives in a $1.65 million home where he worries about the price of arugula, feels your pain.
And as McCain noted in a response ad, most Americans don't have a Tony Rezko in their life to help them buy the home of their dreams. They are not like Obama at all.
Rezko, who Hillary Clinton once labeled a "slumlord," was among Obama's earliest supporters.
In 1995, when Obama ran for a seat in the Illinois Senate, Rezko, through two of his companies, gave Obama $2,000.
Obama won election in 1996 in a district that coincidentally contained 11 of Rezko's 30 low-income housing projects. In 2003, when Obama said he'd run for the U.S. Senate, Rezko held a lavish fundraiser at his Wilmette, Ill., mansion.
In 2005, when Rezko was under federal investigation of influence-peddling in Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich's administration, Obama bought a house in Chicago's upscale Hyde Park neighborhood for $1.65 million, $300,000 below the asking price, while Rezko's wife paid full price, $625,000, for an adjacent vacant lot.
Six months later, Obama overpaid Rezko's wife $104,500 for a 10-foot-wide strip of her land, allegedly so he could have a bigger yard. Obama has admitted that at the time, he knew Rezko "was going to have some significant legal problems" with his land deals. He calls their deal a "boneheaded move."
After Rezko's 2006 conviction on 16 counts of wire fraud, mail fraud, money laundering and soliciting bribes, Obama said, "This isn't the Tony Rezko I knew." Uh-huh. Just as he said the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, after his anti-American rants became public, was "not the person I met 20 years ago."
Obama also said of Rezko: "I've never done any favors for him." Oh, yes he has, as David Freddoso points out in "The Case Against Barack Obama." And Rezko has returned the favors.
In October 1998, Obama wrote city and state officials, urging them to give Rezko $14 million to build an apartment complex. Obama's request included $855,000 in "development fees" for Rezko and another developer.
Obama did some legal work for Rezko early in their relationship, work that undoubtedly helped Rezko make millions on his rundown properties, many in Obama's district. More than half of these properties later fell into foreclosure, even after Obama tried to fix Rezko's personal housing and mortgage crisis.
In return, aside from the sweetheart deal with a slumlord that got Obama his solitary mansion, Rezko has raised as much as a quarter-million dollars for Obama's various political campaigns over the years.
As John McCain's campaign has asked, does Barack Obama really want a debate about houses?
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